Dad Bod is a phenomenon fueled by the fact that society is starting to find the normal physique sexy. We are a more health, appearance and fashion conscious society. We live in a more competitive work and social environment.  Men’s fashion has become more tapered and revealing. For these reasons and a host of others, the Dad Bod phenomenon has taken hold. An equally important factoid—Ladies like dad bods. (Thank you Leonardo DiCaprio)

Conventional wisdom, and Madison Avenue advertising agencies might suggest that the Abercrombie and Fitch half naked men with rock hard bodies and cut off jean shorts are iconic. Perhaps it dates back to primordial times, when women needed brutes to slaughter beasts and fight off the warring tribes, or perhaps plow the fields and protect the house. But today, while women still need and want men, it may not be the macho one with the thick biceps who spends all day and the gym searching for his masculine ego. A dad bod means a guy who has career and responsibilities, loves kids, and has enough money to look after himself (and order the extra guacamole and dessert) and has a soft tummy to lay on after a long work day.

The phenomenon of the Dad Bod has a lot to do with many men being more in touch with their appearance than ever before. It also means confidence. The Dad Bod is for the male human over the age of 30 whose testosterone levels no longer burn with irrational desire. Dad Bods don’t want excess belly fat. They don’t want a “beer belly” but they don’t expect or want “6 pack abs” either. They want to look and feel better about themselves and fit and feel better and more comfortable in (and out of) clothes

Enter Ultra Shape- the newest generation of non-invasive body sculpting -which is perfect for men. Speaking as one, men are often less tolerant of discomfort from aesthetic procedures, and want quick procedures that have no down time, quick recovery and quick results that get rid of excess belly fat. Men are learning from word of mouth, media and significant others that this non-invasive, no pain, no downtime option is exactly what the doctor ordered!

We are born with a finite amount of fat cells, which do not increase in number after adolescence. Ultra Shape ultrasonic body contouring, targets and destroys fat cells in a painless, totally non- invasive fashion, requiring as few as three brief office procedures. Patients return immediately to work, play and exercise with absolutely no down time. It is literally a lunch hour procedure, and since fat cells do not regenerate the results are permanent. We have seen Dad Bods loose 4 inches on their waist – that’s 2 suit sizes. And we have used it with great success across the Dad Bod spectrum (love handles, muffin top, man boobs).

Dad Bod is a balance between going to the gym and also having a pizza from time to time. It is confident and unpretentiousness.  And in six weeks, she wont be able to keep her hands off your Dad Bod.